It has been four days since I have last written. 

I spent Sunday, Monday, Tuesday with Kevin and Sandy, as I mentioned in my last post. Monday we went to Stanley Park and the Vancouver Aquarium. It was amazing to see so many little creatures that live under the sea. Nemo even made an appearance! We saw a beluga whale show, its amazing that they keep such large animals in captivity (and so well fed!). We also saw a sea otter and a non-sea-creature sloth! Pretty cool. We then walked around Stanley park and went for a nice dinner that night to celebrate Kevin's birthday. Keep in mind there were 11 of us in the group!

Tuesday we went to Granville Island for a shorter day, it was beautiful and relaxing. For dinner, Kevin and Sandy and Chris' aunt and uncle came over to the apartment and we ordered pizza. It was really fun to have people over seeing how I spend most of my time in the apartment alone!! 

Wednesday Kevin and Sandy's cruise sailed away and I did not see them this way, but they arrive in Alaska today I believe! So exciting! I met up with Steve in the afternoon and ended up going to the PNE in Vancouver. It was pretty fun, but to be honest a lot of money to get in!! Next time I'll take advantage of the late night $5 gate ticket!

Today was a slower day. After all the hustle and bustle of the past few days I had forgotten how my days were before! I have been trying to keep busy. Cleaning, mostly, and cooking. I tried to make curry tonight but failed. Not sure how aha, but it just didn't taste right. 

This weekend will pick up. I am heading to campus tomorrow to meet with a professor and Saturday I think I am going to a party with Steve, but not sure yet. Then on Monday I leave for the orientation trip... More about that later. 

I'm heading to bed, sorry if this was not an entertaining read. Just getting my thoughts out!


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