My Eyes

The goal of this personal blog is not to reach an incredibly high number of hits. It is not to make millions of dollars in marketing revenue, nor is it to talk about any topic in particular. Selfish as it may seem, I am choosing to keep this blog because it is a way for me to keep track of me.

I will create written pieces as a documentation of my time here in BC! I know what you are thinking; * yawn * it’s been done... BUT, technically, it has not been done... because no one has ever blogged (is that the right word?) about my experience of moving to British Columbia from Ontario. Despite my initial selfish reasons for keeping this blog, there is the added benefit and fun of sharing these experiences with the people who I love!

For me, this is really exciting-and it should be for you, too! These posts will be about day-to-day life or about random topics that interest me at any moment. (And trust me, I can have technicolour range of thoughts at any moment). Needless to say, there will be no shortage of reading material about food, conversation, school, yoga, running, toxicology, etc..etc...!!

What is the difference between this electronic outlet, the blog, and the pen-and-paper outlet, the journal? To me (the new blogger), a hand-written journal often serves the purpose of documenting the personal-I-need-to-vent-because-I-can’t-sleep- thoughts. And a blog is...This blog is... Well ummm, a blog is... still pretty unknown to me!


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