Rubix Rockin'

Have you ever tried to solve a rubix cube? Likely the answer is yes. The real question is, have you ever been to a Rubix Cube party? I can proudly answer yes to this question after our New Year’s party. 
The idea behind this party is everyone comes dressed in a variety of colours ( e.g. those on the rubix cube). You try to wear an article of every colour. By the end of the party, the goal is to be dressed all in one colour. 
How does this happen? One might ask. By bartering, trading, or stealing clothes of the colour you want from other people at the party. 
The result? Absolute havoc and amazingness!!
Rubix before....
Rubix after! Missing some people in this one though....

This one kind of defeats the purpose of having colours but I LOVE ITTTT!!

Honourable mention to my littlest sistah and Dead Eye for being stealthy in white!


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